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May 10, 2012

What are sink holes?

According to South West Florida Water Management District,   a sinkhole can be defined as
depressions or holes in the land surface that occur throughout west-central Florida. They can be shallow or deep, small or large, but all are a result of the dissolving of the underlying limestone.  Hydrologic conditions, including lack of rainfall, lowered water levels, or, conversely, excessive rainfall in a short period of time, can all contribute to sinkhole development. More facts about sinkholes can be found in the District’s.  In the Tampa Bay area there are several communities well known for their sinkhole activity. However, recently the Tampa Bay Times reported an increase in sinkhole activity in an area that everyone thought could not have sinkholes.  In January 2012 the Times reported the increase occurrances of sinkholes in St. Petersburg, FL Click here to read the full article.