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May 17, 2012

Lawn Watering Restrictions in Hillsborough County

What is Reclaimed Water?
The Hillsborough County, Florida on line resource explained as follows:

About Reclaimed Water

Reclaimed water involves taking wastewater from treatment plants, giving it a high degree of treatment and using the resulting high quality water for a new beneficial use. Reclaimed water is delivered to homes and businesses through an underground distribution system entirely separate from the drinking water system.

Extensive treatment and disinfecting ensure that public health and environmental quality are protected. Reclaimed water must meet strict standards of quality established by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. The reclaimed water system is monitored 24 hours a day by county personnel to ensure that consistent water quality standards are met. Physical contact with reclaimed water is not known to have any negative effects. However, reclaimed water should never be used for consumption or sanitary purposes.
There are lawn watering restrictions  in Tampa, but if you have reclaimed water or access to reclaimed water there are no restrictions. Read what Green Solutions Lawn Care and Pest Control has to say..

Watering Restrictions:
Cities, counties, water management districts, and the state all have a say in how often you can water your lawn and landscape in the Tampa Florida area. Watering restrictions can change regularly, so make sure you reference your county and/or city restriction frequently. Below are links that may be helpful determining when you can water.

Reclaimed water offers less restrictive regulation. In many cases you can water as much as you like with a reclaimed water hookup. Unfortunately, not every area of town has access to reclaimed water. It might be worth looking into whether or not reclaimed water is available at your address. If you are in an area that offers access to reclaimed water, having it connected is as simple as hiring an irrigation contractor to connect you to the reclaimed line.

Although Green Solutions is not a licensed irrigation contractor, we have developed long-standing relationships with irrigation contractors that have been carefully vetted for professionalism and the skills necessary to install and service irrigation systems. In many cases we have already arranged for significant discounts or free consultations with these companies. Please call our office if you would like a referral.