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May 26, 2012

$5 Day Summer Savings

Lowry Park Zoo was voted #1 zoo in the United States. They have 1,700 animals on 60 acres of different habitats. They have educational shows, and informational exhibits. The zoo wanted to connect people with the living earth. Tampa's first zoo was established in the 1930s. It had a small collection of indigenous animals. It was first located in Plant Park. Then in 1957 it moved to Lowry Park. And their collection of animals have been increasing since 1970.

Ticket prices are:

$23.95 for adults

$21.95 for seniors (60+)

$18.95 for children ages 3-11

FREE for children ages 2 and under

Have you been to the zoo lately? I went the other day, and there was many interesting things there. First of all, the zoo was VERY busy. It was five dollars to get in on that Sunday, and families stormed in to see all the amazing exhibits. Many wild birds fly around at the zoo that aren't apart of the zoo, but are still very interesting to see. Most of the animals are extremely active except the Florida Panther and the tigers, all they did was sleep.

The reptiles are very famous at the zoo. People packed into one room to see them all. The zoo is opening new exhibits like the stingrays, in the beginning of June. So the next weekend you have off, pack the family in the car and head to Lowry Park Zoo.

-by Devin Duckett