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Jun 10, 2012

Disasterville at MOSI

Disasterville is an interactive exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry in Tampa Florida. Disasterville is where you can experience extreme weather conditions including tornado's, hurricanes, wildfires and so much more.  The Disasterville exhibit is HUGE! The exhibit is 10,000 square feet of hurricane pandemonium!

Understanding how a hurricane forms and the effect it has on people within a community is important.  Floridians experience hurricane season between June 1st and November 30th.  Florida has already seen some pretty vigorous weather in these last couple of weeks.  Disasterville shows what to do if a disaster were to happen in your area.  This is such an important exhibit because knowing what to do is very crucial to survival.

MOSI was established over 50 years ago, and continues to focus on educational programs for children and adults.  MOSI is the largest science center in the Southeast and the 5th largest in the U.S.