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Jun 10, 2012

Disasterville at MOSI pt.2

Recently, I experienced an exhibit at MOSI, the Museum of Science and Industry located in Tampa, FL. MOSI was established 50 years ago and continues to focus on educational programs for children and adults. MOSI is the largest science center in the southeast and 5th largest in the U.S.

While I was at MOSI visited one of the many exhibits, Disasterville.  Disasterville shows information  about wildfires, hurricanes, hail storms, and lightning. These exhibits are extremely important for Floridians and anyone considering moving to Florida because Florida is famous for its hurricanes and lightning. A hurricane is an intense, rotating oceanic weather system that possesses maximum winds exceeding 74 mph. Hurricane season starts June 1st and ends November 30th. Hurricanes form in tropical regions. They form there because they need warm water of at least 80 degrees, high humidity, and moist air. This exhibit is very important because Florida has extremely vigorous hurricanes and Floridians need to be aware of what hurricanes can do, and know ways to survive them.

This was the survive a hurricane simulator. It simulated how fast the wind can go during a hurricane. It went 80 mph, which is exactly how fast winds are during a hurricane.

The National Hurricane Center is a organization that warns the people of America when and where a hurricane is coming from. They also show what level hurricane it is and how big, and its path of travel.

The National Weather Service (NOAA's) is an educational website and it shows all the materials need to survive a severe weather storm

Written by Devin Duckett