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Dec 9, 2009

Survey Says

Tampa is #8 on the list of areas with the Most Overpriced Properties

Despite having no luck selling their properties, homeowners in some parts of the country have clung tenaciously to their notions of the value of their homes.

Forbes magazine ranked markets it considered the most overpriced based on the ratio of the median initial list prices compared to the median list prices at the time the properties actually sold. It also factored in how long the properties stay on the market.

In addition, the magazine considered expert forecasts of price increases in the areas, which could be what encourages homeowners to price high.

The top 10 areas where Forbes found the most over-priced properties were:

1. Orlando

2. Miami-Fort Lauderdale-Pompano Beach

3. Jacksonville, Fla.

4. Baltimore-Towson

5. Chicago-Naperville-Joliet

6. San Antonio, Texas

7. Denver-Aurora

8. Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater

9. Indianapolis-Carmel

10. Austin-Round Rock