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Jun 29, 2009

New Programs Target Low-Income Buyers

Under the federal Neighborhood Stabilization Program, many new state and local initiatives are expected to roll out in the next few weeks that will help middle- and low-income families Buy foreclosed homes in hard-hit neighborhoods.

In all, about $5 billion is available, including $50 million in technical assistance to get the programs up and running. Some of the Regulations include:
  • Participation is limited to households earning no more than 120 percent of the median income
  • 25 percent of the money will go to families earning less than half the median.
  • The funds must be used for primary residences in communities with the highest incidences of foreclosures and subprime loans.
  • There also will be a lease-to-own program.

The Neighborhood Stabilization Program was authorized last summer, but it has been rolling out slowly because the volume of paperwork.

Source: CNNMoney.com