Whether you are buying or selling Real Estate, information about the current market is important for you to make the Right decision.
Char McPherson, Realtor, provides information that impacts your Home Buying and Selling position.

Aug 16, 2010

New website provided by Fannie Mae--Providing your Options

Fannie Mae has launched KnowYourOptions.com, a new consumer education Web site that outlines the choices available to homeowners who are struggling with their mortgage payments, and provides guidance on how they can contact and work with their mortgage company to find solutions.

The information is very informative.  It provides a "one stop shop" for answers to the questions you may have in regard to your mortgage, mortgage default, foreclosure and options to avoid foreclosure.  It serves as a great tool for deciding the next step if you or someone you may know is having a difficult time making mortgage payments.

Take a peek, its a pretty cool site! Immediately upon landing on the page, a woman stands up to "speak" with you about how the site can help.  Its like having your own personal guide.

Visit:  KnowYourOptions.com