Whether you are buying or selling Real Estate, information about the current market is important for you to make the Right decision.
Char McPherson, Realtor, provides information that impacts your Home Buying and Selling position.

Mar 27, 2010

More Investor Opportunities?

Delinquent Mortgages at Nearly 14 Percent Nearly 14 percent of all mortgages were in trouble in the fourth quarter of 2009, according to a report released Thursday by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Office of Thrift Supervision.

More than 4.7 percent of all mortgages were more than 90 days past due in the fourth quarter, a 21.1 percent increase from the same quarter in 2008. The number of troubled borrowers with prime mortgages increased 16.5 percent year over year. 

Foreclosure sales, short sales, and deed-in-lieu-of-foreclosure actions rose by 8.6 percent from the third quarter to 163,224 and were up 44.5 percent from fourth quarter 2008.

The report, which reflects 34 million loans with nearly $6 trillion in principal balances, said: “Loan servicers reported that they expect new foreclosure actions to increase in the upcoming quarters as many of the mortgages that are seriously delinquent may eventually result in foreclosure as alternatives that prevent foreclosure are exhausted.”

New Foreclosure Prevention Plan Announced

President Obama is announcing an expansion of foreclosure-prevent tactics, including a plan to reduce principal balances and special aid for unemployed borrowers.

The bulk of the responsibility for carrying out the new program will be assigned to the Federal Housing Administration, which will insure lenders against part of the losses.

The plan asks banks to write down loan balances to less than the value of the home. If there is both a first and second mortgage, the combined total would have to be no more than 115 percent of the home’s value.

The Treasury would pay part of unemployed homeowners’ loans for three months while they job hunt.

Source: The Wall Street Journal, Nick Timiraos and James R. Hagerty (03/25/2010)

Mar 23, 2010

Florida’s existing home sales rose in February

ORLANDO, Fla. – March 23, 2010 – Florida’s existing home sales rose in February, which means that sales activity has increased in the year-to-year comparison for the past year and a half (18 months), according to the latest housing data released by Florida Realtors®.

Existing home sales increased 21 percent last month with a total of 11,890 homes sold statewide compared to 9,867 homes sold in February 2009, according to Florida Realtors. Statewide existing home sales last month increased 13.6 percent over statewide sales activity in January.

Florida Realtors also reported a 59 percent increase in statewide sales of existing condos in February compared to the previous year’s sales figure; statewide existing condo sales last month rose 9.8 percent over the total units sold in January.

Source: FL Realtors