Whether you are buying or selling Real Estate, information about the current market is important for you to make the Right decision.
Char McPherson, Realtor, provides information that impacts your Home Buying and Selling position.

Jul 28, 2009

Moving Tips:
It’s a well known fact that moving can be one of the most stressful experiences of our lives. But it doesn’t always have to be. With a little advance planning, organization and some attention to detail, your move can be relatively stress-free.

Here are a few Simple and Helpful tips:
Hire a reputable mover: A reputable mover can give you peace of mind. Don’t just hire the first mover you see—or the cheapest. An unqualified mover can end up costing more in the end if items are lost or broken. Check references carefully, and contact your local Better Business Bureau to see if complaints are on file.

Make a schedule: Start at least two months before your move (if possible!), and create a checklist. The more organized you are, the fewer things you will forget, and the less stress you will have—particularly as the move gets closer and time is at a premium.
Label boxes properly. To save time—and help make sure boxes end up in the right rooms when you arrive—label them with the contents and the room they go in.

Eliminate excess possessions before the move: If you won’t need an item in your new home, get rid of it before you move. You’ll save time packing, eliminate clutter and, if you hold a garage sale, you’ll make some extra cash too.

Stock up on supplies: Nothing creates stress like running out of boxes or packing tape at the last minute. Have plenty of supplies on hand.

Change your address early: By completing a change-of-address form before you move, you can save yourself the headaches of overdue bills, service disconnects and even identity theft. Don’t forget to schedule cut-off dates for utilities—and make sure these same services are turned on at your new home. Many firms now allow you to make these changes online.

Whew! With theses tips, Moving will be so simple and will save You time and money!

Jul 16, 2009

Planning to buy a house?

It’s one of the smartest decisions you can make—and not just because you’ll be creating a wonderful home in the location of your choice. It’s because homeownership has many tax benefits as well.

Homeowners may receive benefits from Uncle Sam when they purchase or sell a home, and tax advantages may even accrue during the period you own a home. That's why many people consider homeownership to be the ultimate tax shelter.

Here are just three of the possible tax-saving opportunities for homeowners*:

  1. Mortgage interest deductions. Interest paid on a mortgage on a first—or even second—home is deductible for those who itemize. That reduces the cost of ownership. For example, someone who pays $10,000 in mortgage interest and who falls in the 25% tax bracket could save up to $2,500 in taxes each year. Generally, all the interest paid on a mortgage is deductible, unless the loan is more than $1 million.
  2. Real estate tax deductions. Property taxes based on the assessed value of your home and paid to a state or local government can be deducted—whether you pay directly or through an escrow account. Your bank will provide you with a statement of the actual amount it paid. Also, remember to look at your settlement statement if you recently purchased a home. Any prepaid taxes for which you reimbursed the seller are deductible as well.
  3. Capital gain exclusion for the sale of a home. Under current law, if you are selling your principal residence, you can exclude from taxation any profits up to $500,000 for married taxpayers or $250,000 for single taxpayers.

Call Charlene "Char" McPherson at 813-841-2382 today so I get you on the path to the home of your dreams.

* Consult a tax professional for details.